Rega Drive Pulley Issue

I bought my Rega P5 in January of this year and recently purchased the optional power supply (TT PSU). The table sounds great although I just noticed that the main drive pulley has a slight wobble. I can not hear any wow or flutter from the wobble. So, my question is do any of you that own a Rega table notice any wobble from your drive pulley. Is this normal, or a defect? If this is a defect, should they replace the table, or replace the whole motor assembly? I am a vinyl newbie, so any advice on this matter would be appreciated.

Thanks for you input!!
It's normal. Rega build-quality and quality control unfortunately just isn't what it used to be.
If it's anything like the P2, it's normal. The motor on my P2 isn't solidly mounted to the base. It's suspended in place by a rubber band, thus free to move around.
If yours has a cover over the motor held on by screws, you can remove it and see the motor and how it's mounted.
The motor and the shaft seem to be attached firmly. It looks like the pulley was not machined correctly. I am going to call Rega to see what they say about this wobble! I just spent over $300 dollars on the TTPSU which seems like a waste of money if the pulley is not machined or installed correctly!