Looking to get a turntable.

Looking for advice on turntables. Have heard the Sota moonbeam with my speakers on a tube system and while I liked it was trying to go a bit less expensive.

Grew up listening to vinyl and love all the pops and hisses that go with the early recordings. Mostly like blues, jazz, and classic rock but can listen to Frank Sinatra for hours.

Am just starting to understand what makes hi-fi tick and am still learning. I can now actually understand some of the how and whys of electronics.(thanks to my brother).

Grew up in a family that always was into music. My Dad had a pair of Maggies that are still my favorite speakers to this day. Components bought and sold alot so I got to hear alot of systems.

Ok maybe to much info but figured you might all need a little background.

My system;

Coincident Troubadour speakers
Audire Crescendo amp
Superphon revelation pre
Dennon TV 1500RD receiver
TEAC /cdP 1440 CD player(replacing soon after table purchase)

My question is what table(new or used) will enable me to get the most bang for my buck? Am looking at the Rega P1 and can go to demo it before purchase with my own lp's. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Price range in the 400-500 hundred range

Just out of curiosity, why are you limiting yourself to belt-driven tables? Direct drive vs belt drive is one of those classic audiophile debates, like digital vs vinyl, tubes vs solid state, planers vs cones... Clearly there are plenty of people on both sides of the fence.

Of the tables I mentioned above, only the Technics isn't belt-driven. And yet in my system it's the best sounding table. Go figure. Several years ago I used to wonder why a few people so passionately recommended their modded Technics turntables; now that I own one I have a better understanding.

You can have custom acrylic dust covers made for you by a plastics company. (Check the archives for suggestions.) I believe they cost something on the order of $50-80 when I was considering getting one made for my Pro-Ject RM6. The point being that the presence or absence of a dust cover doesn't necessarily matter, but you'll have extra cost getting one made for a table that doesn't come with one.

A good cartridge is the Denon 110, costs about $100. It is a high output moving coil, you will have to see if your phono stage is compatible, also the Shure 97 at a little lower price. A used Rega would be good, the arms I have are SME 3009s and a Systemdek. A good mod is replacing the feet with Audio Points from Star Sound. I have done this and just sent some to a member in California who is happy with them. You can make a very good turntable platform from MDF, I am using one I made, let me know if you want the details.
The following tables are in the classifieds right now and qualify as a good bang for the buck:

Thorens TD-145 mk ii
Thorens TD-147
Thorens TD-321
Technics SL1200
Linn Axis Basik
I want a belt driven table because of my listening to them most of my life and that it my choice