Looking to get a turntable.

Looking for advice on turntables. Have heard the Sota moonbeam with my speakers on a tube system and while I liked it was trying to go a bit less expensive.

Grew up listening to vinyl and love all the pops and hisses that go with the early recordings. Mostly like blues, jazz, and classic rock but can listen to Frank Sinatra for hours.

Am just starting to understand what makes hi-fi tick and am still learning. I can now actually understand some of the how and whys of electronics.(thanks to my brother).

Grew up in a family that always was into music. My Dad had a pair of Maggies that are still my favorite speakers to this day. Components bought and sold alot so I got to hear alot of systems.

Ok maybe to much info but figured you might all need a little background.

My system;

Coincident Troubadour speakers
Audire Crescendo amp
Superphon revelation pre
Dennon TV 1500RD receiver
TEAC /cdP 1440 CD player(replacing soon after table purchase)

My question is what table(new or used) will enable me to get the most bang for my buck? Am looking at the Rega P1 and can go to demo it before purchase with my own lp's. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Price range in the 400-500 hundred range

In my opinion, the Thorens TD-145 mk ii stands out as one of the best bangs for the buck in the classifieds right now. It also happens to be belt drive.
Always had a thing for Thorens tables I will re-look at it.

Was looking at your system and wow it is nice. Also read you were looking for quality vinyl and that you like Jazz.

I have purchased a few very nice Jazz lp's from an Audiogon member named Ferrari and if you look at my feedback you will find his info.

He auctions his lp's and always has "see pics" after the description so I always know to pay attention to those as 9 out of 10 times they are his.

He always provides a review of his albums and lots of info.
Check him out as his albums,at least for me, have been the finest I have purchased without actually holding them in my hands.
If you like Thorens, try here:

Vinyl Nirvana Thorens TD-165

$319 plus cartridge. Dave knows these and AR tables well. He may even have an upcoming project table that you might be interested in. Worth talking to him.

I, too, am keeping an open mind about direct drives. While I now have a Roksan Radius 5, a fellow in Germany just today shipped to me a Dual CS-704 semi automatic direct drive he has refurbished. All I need do is attach a US ac plug.

For $341 including shipping, I suspect it'll be a bargain if it arrives as advertised.

I never could afford a higher end Dual in the '70s. It'll be nice to have a classic decades later.
