best value - record cleaning machine

What are you guys using, I am looking for one.
Dont plan to spend money but need a pro machine to do the job well.
Under $50 Shark Steam Cleaner...Using the 4" attatchment,cleaning is simple and exceptionally clean.......
I'd recommend any vacuum based cleaner. I had a VPI 16.5 and found a new Clear Audio Smart matrix on A'gon for $500. I sold my VPI for $400.

The Clear Audio is built better and quieter than the 16.5, but still noisy. It's bidirectional also.

Both machines achieve the same goal equally, I just like the build quality on the Clear Audio better. The reason I think the vacuum is necessary, is to remove all the crud to a separate tank with force, not just rinsing.
I'm happy with my KAB EV-1 manual cleaner (manual application and rotation). Needs to be connected to a regular home vacuum. I use MoFi cleaners currently.

$160 @
If you have the motivation to do so, I'd recommend building yourself one out of a ShopVac and an old turntable. Get yourself some Disk Doctor pads and brushes, and a quart of the MFSL Plus cleaning fluid.

I can honestly say this project provided the biggest "upgrade" to my system to date. I'll try to post a picture of my DIY Record Cleaner and process this weekend.
I like compact manual machines, like the cheapest Nitty Gritty (is this similar to the KAB). I actually prefer manual operation to automatic --I can scrub the records back and forth and control the speed of rotation better by hand. I also like the Nitty Gritty because it is really compact in size compared to the VPI. I also prefer not having the clean record in contact with a full sized platter that may be contaminated.

I've owned my Nitty Gritty machine (automatic unit) for more than 20 years. The only maintenance required is changing the felt pads that scrube the record and hold the record away from direct contact with the vacuum slot (easy to do the replacement). The major downside is that the machine, like the VPI, is quite noisy in operation.