Tables That Feature Bearing Friction

I recently had the opportunity to audition the DPS turntable which, unlike most tables, has a certain amount of friction designed into the bearing. This, when paired with a high quality/high torque motor, is said to allow for greater speed stability--sort of like shifting to a lower gear when driving down a steep hill and allowing the engine to provide some breaking effect and thus greater vehicular stability. I am intrigued by this idea and was wondering what other people thought about this design approach. Are there other tables which use this bearing principal? One concern I have is that by introducing friction you may also be introducing noise. Comments?
out-off center record hole is a " cancer " in the analog quality performance ( due to an extremely poor build quality of the record industry. ), we need a solution. I think on the TT builders because I don't think that the records industry can " hear " our needs.

This was made 25 years ago from a Nakamichi Turntable. It centered the record automatically.
Too expensive for our days I guess.:)
Yes, I know: the Dragon and TX1000. A friend of mine in San Diego and other one here own these units.

The build material subject could grow-up in complexity if we add that we must take in count that maybe we need different build materials for different TT parts and that each one of those build materials have to have a constant " behavior " under any " normal " TT operation condition forming a " synergy TT system ".

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear friends: We are in a so imperfect home analog sound reproduction world with so low know-how that instead to use our main each day time to hear and enjoy music we are " loosing " our precious life time trying to correct that imperfect world that is full of imperfect hardware.

That's why exist so many forums everywhere. Take how many are here in Agon: more than ten!!!! and in almost everyone we are talking/asking to a better hardware, to a better up-dates in hardware, to a better tweaks, to a better, to a better....etc, etc and what about the main target: music sound reproduction and the " emotion " to enjoy it.

In a perfect world all those audio forums will change for a one and only: the music forum.

It is so imperfect that for some of us don't pass any single day where we don't " touch " the system hardware trying to improve even for some of us don't pass a single hour where we stay " calm/in-active ", name it like you want: changing VTA, VTF, load impedance, cables, speaker position, room treatment, new mat, rolling tubes, changing caps/resistors/inductors, new record cleaning solutions, DIY items, new clamping system, new belts, new or different something everywhere at each link in the whole audio chain.

A lot of fun but a misery on the time hearing music where we are not thinking how to improve but only enjoying that music sound reproduction.

Well such is world: nothing is perfect.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Dear friends: We are in a so imperfect home analog sound reproduction world with so low know-how that instead to use our main each day time to hear and enjoy music we are " loosing " our precious life time trying to correct that imperfect world that is full of imperfect hardware.
Rauliruegas (System | Threads | Answers)

Well said, now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to listen to some music for a few hours. Thanks for the inspiration Raul.