Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
Yes, I have this table for almost two months. It sounds glorious. This table will be deemed a giant killer. You will hear nothing but praises when magazine reviewes comes out. To be specific, the table is very, very quiet musically or otherwise. Very neutral, extracts what is on the record. Mate with a conditioner (I have a PLC, I imagined would be even better with a SDS)the sound improved even better mainly bass solidity, treble airiness and stereo image. Get it before the price goes up.
Mine arrives Thursday. After setup(this is my first table..so it may take a day or so) and burn in I will report my thoughts.

Thanks, John
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I had it for weeks, after trying 3 other VPI tables, this have been by far the best. I had been trying out tables (6) for a year, but my search is over.

I didn't think the SDS added anything, so I sold it.