Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
new review of the VPI Classic that just came out on The Audio Beat (new audio website from Marck Mickelson, former editor at Soundstage.com, and Paul Bolin, formerly of Stereophile). Review emphasizes the Classic's rythmic and timing stability and dynamic presentation. Interesting review. Here it is:
Good review, thanks for the pointer. Makes me want to own a Raven. :-)

Seriously, are the "rich-toned," "tonal color" qualities he attributes to the Raven available from any $2,500 turntables?
Good question. I do think it's unfair to compare the Classic to the raven AC, but the way I think about it, is if the Classic tt + modified JMW 10.5 arm's primary strength is PRaT, then one should look for cart and phono stage that lends more emphasis to midrange tonality and textural timbres (maybe Koetsu, Benz, etc...). This is where system matching becomes the key to 'voicing' the entire tt system.