Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
I have my Classic now for a few months and it has been kind of frustrating for me a bit. I upgraded from an old Blue Note Piccolo to Classics with ring clamp and when taken each aspect of the sound, VPI seems to be better in just about every category, quieter, deeper, better clarity in the bass, smoother mid/high, more extended top, more detail, bigger soundstage but for some reasons, the Piccolo seemed to be more musical and more fun, although less refined sound. VPI seemed to be more detached and is very component/cartridge sensitive. I have been using ASR Mini Basis with Ortofon T100 SUT, Ortofon Jubilee initially. My Piccolo sat on Symposium Acoustic Ultra platform which VPI did not seem to like much at all. Switched to Ginko Cloud 11 improved things significantly.
With Koetsu Rosewood Signature, midrange was magical, piano and vocal music was all I could asked for but bass was too sluggish for me, especially for pop or large symphonic pieces. With Ortofon Jubilee, mid range is a bit too lean and detached but with excellent speed and clarity, pacing and rhythm. I burrowed an old Crown Jewel (?Shelter 501) to try and midrange was not quite as full or lush as Koetsu but also very smooth but bass was a bit slower than Jubilee. At the beginning of next month, I should get a Dynavector XV-1s which I heard at a local VPI dealer and seemed to be a good match for Classic. So far, I think the Classic has the potential to be very very good but it is very revealing and very picky about its associated equipment.
Good report, Suteetat, thanks. Sometimes the whole just does not equal the sum of the parts.
great feedback Suteetat. Let us know what you think of the Dynavector when you try it out.
Given that the Raven under discussion used a Phantom arm and the copper platter (don't remember if there was a mat involved), how do you think the comparison would fare if the Classic was modified?

It's been a long time since I listened to an all aluminum platter (the original HW-19 platter), but I seem to remember that that platter was a little threadbare compared to the acrylic/lead replacement. I wonder how a graphite mat (say a Boston Mat1 or Mat2) or even a TTweights copper mat would change the Classic's sound.

Also, since the Classic arm really isn't a 10.5i (or whaterver the latest version is called), how would the latest arm wand change the sound? Or for that matter, a different arm, like a Phantom?

How about a speed controller?

At least then you'd have an apples to apples comparison.
the vpi classic cannot be fitted with a Phantom. Acc to VPI, it needs a different chassis than what the Classic can accomodate.