warped lp's

Recently purchased a sealed album but it severly warped. Does anyone know of a way to fix it?

Thanks be intrested to know how it works out for you. I buy alot of lp's on audiogon and elsewhere and am sure to end up with more warped ones. Thats the chance I take buying sight unseen. Most of what I buy it in great shape.

Appreciate your input and good luck with your project this weekend.
I know someone who uses 2 glassplates and some kitchen paper towels. Just make a sandwich of glass/paper/warped LP/paper/glass. Let it warm up in in the sun. The paper is to prefent the LP from sticking to the glass. I think some smooth granite or marble will also work.
I flattened my Ron Carter LP today. I used 2 12x12 granite tiles purchased from home depot ($5.49 each). One side is polished, the other rough. I pre-heated my oven to 200 degrees F. I Sandwiched the LP between the tiles and I used no fasteners or anything else. The LP was directly in contact with the tile. I placed the "sandwich" in the oven and turned the oven off. I came back about 5 hours later and removed the LP, cleaned it, and played it. The warp was really bad before, so bad it was in trackable. Now the LP is completely flat. I see no other adverse efects from the procedure.
Great and congrats on a positive result. For the price I shall also go get granite marble tiles and give it a try on an album I don't care much for. Just want to be sure my oven temp is ok then I will do it to others.

Thanks for your input Bdgregory and I will post my results also :)