Audiolab 8200CDQ or Cambridge Audio Azur 851C

Which would you prefer and why (consider things like sound quality, functionality, build quality, company reputation, service, etc.)? Please note, I am only looking for general comments and not specific recommendations.

Tube meister;

I have the Moon 230D cdp and the Cambridge Audio 851C in my main system. Hence I can't speak to the Audiolab. If you need the flexibility that the 851C will afford you, then nothing compares to the 851C that I know of for the price. I purchased mine based solely on what it sounded like as a CD player, and reputation for reliability. Not for it's features which are many as I'm sure you know.
I will perhaps use some of those features down the road.
Comparing it to my Moon 230D I found it had a bit better overall performance, notably low end and overall definition. Having said that, the 230D was purchased simply because it is the same exact player as the more expensive 260D without some features that I didn't need to pay for ie. digital outputs etc. In summery the 851C would be hard to beat for the $$ spent. As an aside, I use Symposium Rollerblock Jr+ and Symposium Segue platforms under each. They in fact made a larger improvement in the overall sound of each of them, than is the difference between them. Hope this is usefull to you.
Cheers, Doug (dmacg)
Hello Tube meister;

I just came across this thread and am wondering what you ended up purchasing for your cd player.

Doug MacGregor (dmacg)