Choice of Koetsu cartridges?

You guys recently helped with my choice of a Benz cartridge and I am more than happy with my Benz LP, the best sound I have heard in my vinyl system. I am planning to collect a small number of cartridges to use over the years. I have a Zyx Airy 3 as a spare. It's nice, but not a patch on the Benz for speed and dynamics particularly.
The other cartridge I loved was the Koetsu Rosewood signature, that I used exclusively for 3 years. I would like to move up a step in the Koetsu range, but which? Whatever I get, will be second hand, so it will depend on what appears on the Gon.
My vinyl system:
TW Accustic Raven one/Ortofon 309D
K&K phono stage
Viva Solista integrated amp
Acoustic Zen Adagio, but due for an upgrade ? Daedalus DA1 or Art Deco 8 signature.

I enjoy most genres of music, classical, opera in particular, Blues, Jazz, Singer songwriters, not much heavy rock.

You seem to have 2 choices, change the coil material or the body, or both, but that gets out of my price range, even 2nd hand. That is a crude simpification I know.
So choices would be:
Rosewood Signature Platinum
Various Urushis, all slightly different in output, magnets, coil windings, confusing in itself.
Onyx, as far as I know, the cheapest of the stone bodied Koetsu's
Anyone any opinions on this? I am looking for more of the Koetsu sound, plus better speed and across the frequency range neutrality, but without losing that undoubted Koetsu midrange magic, thanks.
Dear David: I can't say better than Rudolff.

Due to what you own right now IMHO I think it is time to the XV-1s

Regards and enjoy the music.
Koetsu midrange magic

"Magic", huh? Well, that isn't what I would call it. ;-)

I agree with Rudolff and Raul on this one and also recommend the XV-1s. That cartrige will play all of the genres you enjoy, and will also play rock, very well indeed. The xv-1s has a very nice tone without ever over coloring in order to hide the warts.

The only issue I have with Shelter is that their cartridges need a very good tonearm matching to handle the amount of energy fed back by the cartridges.
For my ears, the days of Koetsu has come and gone. The Benz LP, and new Dyna XV are far better.
The Koetsu cartridges do have a lush mid-range that is intoxicating. They also are very quiet, with a deep, dark black background that is fantastic. The treble is slightly (and I do mean slightly) rolled off, especially on the non-platinum cartridges, and the bass response is definitely rolled off, (a bit on the platinum versions, and even more on the non-platinum ones), and a bit loose (i.e. not tight). If you want to try out a Koetsu, (without breaking the bank), go with the Urushi (Red) Vermillion (the 0.4mv output version), although I will warn you, that they tend to be slightly less output than they are rated. This cartridge will give you a good taste of what Koetsu is all about. (And if you like it, you can then step up to one of the stone bodied cartridges, like the Jade Platinum.)

Now, with that being said, and as a Koetsu fan myself, I agree that the Dynavector XV-1S is the cartridge to get. It has better bass response than most (all?) of the Koetsu cartridges, and it is also more neutral sounding than the Koetsu cartridges. The treble response is both well extended and highly refined. The mid-range, while not Koetsu lush, is definitely intoxicating in its own way. There is a tonality that the XV-1S has that works great from the deepest bass response to the highest treble, and it both highly refined and it has deep dark black backgrounds. I can honestly state that I have not heard a cartridge better than the XV-1S, (maybe some as good, but none better).

In comparison, the Shelter 90X, as suggested by Rudolff, has a fine bass response, (the best I've ever heard actually), a slightly warm, (but fairly neutral) mid-range, and a good treble extension, (about the equal of the Koetsu Urushi). But the treble response does not sound nearly as refined as the high-end Koetsu cartridges, or the Dynavector. In addition, the Shelter does not have the really deep, dark black backgrounds of the Dynavector or the Koetsu line. (The 90X had a pretty good low noise background, better than my Benz Micro Glider 2, but just not as good as either the Koetsu line or the Dynavector, and it was this attribute that led me to the Dynavector actually.) Still, if bass response is your thing, (although I doubt it is yours, in looking at your musical tastes), than the Shelter could be a fine choice. (For the money, I agree, it is a bargain.)

FYI, as a reference so you know my experience, I use a Basis 2001 TT, with a Vector M3 tone arm with XLR terminated cables, (going into an Ayre K-1xe preamp, with the phono boards), and my past cartridges include:
Benz Micro Glider 2 (Owned for 6 months)
Koetsu Black (Owned for a year)
Koetsu Rosewood Signature (Owned for a year)
Shelter 90X (Owned for a year & a half)
Dynavector XV-1S (Owned for a couple of years)

(In addition, my friend, whose system I know well and listen to often, has owned the Koetsu Urushi, Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum, ZYX Universe, EMT (Brinkmann), and the Dynavector XV-1S, (which I glad bought from him for a good price!) :-)

My two cents worth.
Good Luck in your search!
David 12,

I also agree with all the above. Regarding Koetsu "magic", Rudolff said it perfectly, "...vinyl alone, has a magical midrange." Why gild the lily?

If you point a gun at my head I'll say get a stone body, the higher the better. A Jade Platinum has less of that Koetsu "magic" than any wood body, though still too much for my ears. The Onyx Platinum has less, it's almost tolerable - but I might still ask you to just pull the trigger.

I'm unfamiliar with your arm, but assuming a reasonable match the Dynavector XV-1S, Transfiguration Orpheus and ZYX UNIverse all play the genuine midrange magic that's already carved into the grooves, along with speed and neutrality no Koetsu can match. The XV-1S will provide more bass oomph and big dynamics. The UNIverse will provide clearer, faster, more extended highs and more low level/harmonic information. The Orpheus kind of falls in between them. They're all exceptional cartridges that honestly try to play what's in the groove without coloration.