Dear Berlinta, rest assured - I got from the 3 samples what was possible. I just wasn't impressed. That was not a problem of the respective set-up nor of my abilities. As for the sientific dispute and my non-reaction to your mathematical and physical "facts" - I reacted and answered.
It just wasn't posted.
The dispute about the TT drive mechanism between the "gang" and me some weeks back gave a good example of my phrase about Galileo. If your and the comments of your gang-members regarding drirect drive vs. belt drive were indeed serious - than I am definitely Galileos legal successor.
But thanks for your extensive viae vitae anyway.
It just wasn't posted.
The dispute about the TT drive mechanism between the "gang" and me some weeks back gave a good example of my phrase about Galileo. If your and the comments of your gang-members regarding drirect drive vs. belt drive were indeed serious - than I am definitely Galileos legal successor.
But thanks for your extensive viae vitae anyway.