Asynch USB or super clock thru S/PDIF for $3.5k?

I posted this over at computeraudiophile, but got very little feedback, so I'm trying here. Looking for input from experienced users regarding sound quality of these two approaches. Right now I only have a SB Touch, but I'm considering a computer with external hard drive and a DAC:

Approach 1: Asynch USB. Wavelength Cosecant or Ayre QB9. About $3.5k. Just one input. Until I get a dedicated computer I would need to mod the Touch to output thru USB.

Approach 2: Super clock thru S/PDIF. PC to Offramp 4 w/Turboclock to Bryston BDA-1. About $3.5k too. More pieces in the chain, and more power cords and IC. Steve Nugent is a big supporter of this approach and says the DAC matters less IF you have a VERY good clock upstream. Initially I would use the Touch with the BDA1, then get the PC + Offramp.

All these DACs have discrete analog sections and all are very well thought of. My preferences are for soundstaging, 3D imaging, naturalness of the presentation and articulate, deep bass. FWIW, preamp is Lamm LL2 so I can only connect through RCAs. Amp is McIntosh MC275 (tubed).

Thank you!
"Maybe the real question behind this is whether I can live without a CD player."
I noticed an interesting factoid on an audio trade news blog yesterday, to the effect that upwards of 80% of CDs now sold in the USA are thought to be played only once - ripped to other media and then reproduced from electronic storage.
The figure sounds high, but whether accurate or not, we seem to have reached a level in audio quality and convenience that renders CD players much less important.
In any event, my CD player is not improved by routing it through my DAC, and I almost never use mine anymore (esp. since discovering the Theater View mode in JRiver Media 15!).
Other issues aside, the simple fact is that it's now easier to extract bit-perfect (e.g.,amplitude perfect) data away from the EMI/RFI nightmare known as a PC box, with advanced clocking to eliminate virtually ALL jitter in the time domain.

If you need multiple I/O options, suggest you also consider the Antelope Zodiac Plus as a design that includes world-class clock, DAC and analog stages. It seems to make sense that eliminating extra cabling and boxes, and positioning of the clock as close as possible to the DAC stages are all worthy features.
Lewinskih, I wouldn't be trying a usb interface anytime soon. The interface is inherently flawed. Always has been, always will be. I think PC audo is best in its purest form, through a sound card via an spdif 75 ohm output. Converting the usb to audio is just too messy to sound "right". As for controlling J River, I did install Rivermote to use off my iPad. It's okay, but looking for better. I am looking into something more versatile, which may be via DLNA.
Converting the usb to audio is just too messy to sound "right".

Strange, I've heard a number of USB DACS that sound marvelous. Your blanket statement is as untrue as all horn speakers honk, all tube amps sound bloated, all transistor amps sound sterile, all vinyl playback is compressed and noisy, all systems with a passive preamp are lifeless, and any number of other unfounded stereotypes.

Properly implement USB is the basis for a great system.

I want to OUTPUT from spdif to INPUT to USB Ayre QB 9 (USB only).
Any suggestions w/o fooling with the software?
Marcober, I'm quite certain that you can't do it yet.
I'm assuming that you're still trying to connect Ayre with your Squeezebox, because that's likely the only reason on the planet for trying this.

If you've been keeping up with John Swenson, over at the Squeezebox Touch forum, then you already know this has been a quest of several years for them. More recently, it seems the impedance matching issues with S/PDIF interfaces (which according to the forum are often non-standard) have risen their head yet again.
Regarding connecting the QB-9, even with planned SBT software mods to support USB out in general, it's my understanding that Asynchronous mode isn't supported.