I had similar issues with my VPI 16.5 when new, a missing Lid Stop, which was I was sent a replacement by VPI, and Toggle Switch Knurled Nuts (1) continually coming loose.
Minor issues that are small-minor inconveniences, and are basically easily dealt with. I went and bought a package of Hex Nuts for the Toggle Switches from Rat Shack, solved the loosening nuts, RTV glued on the new Lid Stop, and then later performed the Cooling Fan Mod, and then new Acrylic Platter, and Neoprene Platter Mat.
These mods can be seen at osasge audio's website.
As for the Panel warpage, I think the one most important area that should be given a coat of varnish, thus waterproofing this area, would be the drilled hole underneath the Vacuum Tower Assembly. Three Phillips Screws, remove Vacuum Tower Assembly, coat this area, let dry, and then re-assemble. The Bottom panel's insides might be another good area to waterproof, just in case of the possibility of leakage of Recovery Tank (which I never had a problem with)
These are simple common sense fixes, and of course, it has to be one's personal decision with whatever machine they choose to go with for whatever reasons.
The difference in price between the two machines (you mantion), can be used for a considerable amount of high quality cleaning fluids, or other items. Mark
Minor issues that are small-minor inconveniences, and are basically easily dealt with. I went and bought a package of Hex Nuts for the Toggle Switches from Rat Shack, solved the loosening nuts, RTV glued on the new Lid Stop, and then later performed the Cooling Fan Mod, and then new Acrylic Platter, and Neoprene Platter Mat.
These mods can be seen at osasge audio's website.
As for the Panel warpage, I think the one most important area that should be given a coat of varnish, thus waterproofing this area, would be the drilled hole underneath the Vacuum Tower Assembly. Three Phillips Screws, remove Vacuum Tower Assembly, coat this area, let dry, and then re-assemble. The Bottom panel's insides might be another good area to waterproof, just in case of the possibility of leakage of Recovery Tank (which I never had a problem with)
These are simple common sense fixes, and of course, it has to be one's personal decision with whatever machine they choose to go with for whatever reasons.
The difference in price between the two machines (you mantion), can be used for a considerable amount of high quality cleaning fluids, or other items. Mark