Clearaudio RCM good alternative to VPI?

I've owned two VPI record-cleaning machines, first a HW-17 (stolen), and now a HW-16.5. While I've always been happy with their performance cleaning records . . . I've always thought the build quality was really cheesy on both machines . . . with the 16.5 I had to reglue one of the dustcover support blocks and reassemble the switch plate (fasteners loosened and fell off during transport) immediately after taking it out of the box brand new. Also, both machines became somewhat moisture damaged (warping enclosure) very easily.

This didn't bother me too much because I'm a cheapskate about some things, and the VPI machines don't cost too much. But I have a friend who's asking for an RCM recommendation and he definately has the money and appreciation for better build quality . . . so I'm thinking about steering him toward a Clearaudio machine as something that's fundamentally the same in its operation, but with better build quality.

I would appreciate any feedback on the matter - but neither of us are patient enough for a Loricraft/Monks machine, so I think that a traditional "tube with lips" design is what he's after.
Thanks everybody for the responses, I'll check them out.

I feel the same way that Mark does - the construction deficiences of the 16.5 are simply minor annoyances to me. But they are definately annoying enough for me not to recommend this machine to a friend . . . after all, if VPI's been producing this thing for over twenty years, they should have at least figured out how to use a little Loctite on the switch hardware, if nothing else.
I'd like commenting again, of the mods would be so kind. My loose Toggle Switch Knurled Nut may have been an isolated incident. One kept coming loose, the other never did, on the two switches on front of the machine.

As I understand it, the Clearaudio Smart Mtrix is as well MDF Case, just silver painted, rather than black laminate.

I respect Harry, and what he has done with the 16.5, a very good machine, which he's tried to keep low in price to be affordable to more people. Doubtful that the Clearaudio cleans an better than the VPI, and to me that is of basically the most importance.

But, I've made note of some minor differences. For one, see the nicer lid hinges on the Smart Matrix? That's what VPI should've used on the 16.5, and a slightly larger Lid, that sat on top of the cabinet, not within the cabinet, thus ending the possibility of cracking the vacuum wands.

A Cork Mat? yes, a forgiving material, but one that is hard, if not impossible to clean, and keep clean. If cork was so good, how come Loricraft machines aren't using it?

Just those two little issues should not have drastically increased the price of the 16.5, a change from cork mat to rubber, and an inch larger lid, with two different hinges. The difference in cost to VPI would be what, about $5? And the waterproofing I previously mention, would cost around 65 cents per machine, and 10 minutes time.

The 16.5 is not so complex, that one should be intimidated by it, it is realtively simple to play with, and I do wholeheartedly suggest anyone who owns one, pop it open, and give it a peek. Mark

I'm an ex-user of Nitty Anniversary Pro (most expensive of the lot). It also cleans +/- OK. Due to both sides being done at once it is FAST, --- but NOISY! Quality? What quality?

Decided to get a Hannl MERA and the difference in QUALITY and CLEANING PERFORMANCE are something of note.

The old adage applies: "You get what you pay for..."

Hannl MERA, highly recommended, and now with 'roller-brush' (like a car wash :-)

own a double matrix. i had the loricraft 4 prior to the purchase. sold the loricraft bought the double matrix and have never regretted it. one of the best upgrades ever. do your freind a favor tell him to buy the double matrix and he will remain your friend.
I bought a Clear Audio Smart Matrix RCM about two weeks ago and feel very happy about it: well constructed, solid, not so noisy as I could have expected and, most important of all, produced miracles on LPs I bought on thrift stores.