TW Acustic Black Knight

Hi all,
Has anyone heard this new flagship TT from TW Acustic? I have been using the 3-motor Raven AC happily for the last 2 years. Wondering how the new flagship compares with the Raven AC sonically.
Dear Alectiong, I just posted my 'reading' of the German
magazine LP (April 09) with the review of 'Black Knight'
(the'best' TT). If my interpratation of this review is
correct you will be a 'happy fellow'.So no need to worry
about your TT. You can sleep well.
Let's see...Wider and deeper soundstage,Blacker blacks, lower noise floor, More fleshed out instruments, greater air,clear but not harsh highs, tighter bass...STOP ME WHEN THIS STARTS TO SOUND familiar!

The TW Acustic is a beautifully constructed and executed design giving the owner tremendous musicality and PRAT at a "somewhat" sane price!

You have the three motor? Get off the computer and go listen to your vinyl...:)

enough said.