SS phono stage in $2k to $3k range...

I'm looking to purhase a new phono stage. I'd prefer solid state. My budget is $2k to $3k. I'd like enough gain for typical LOMC. My preferences are low noise, detail, nice soundstaging, no harshness, and flexible loading options. On my radar screen are the JLTi (w/power supply), Whest PS.30R, and Pass Xono (used). I'd like good build quality and reliablity, but these are probably inherent in a SS phono stage in this price range. Any others to consider? Anything about any of these three candidates that make them stand out in a good or bad way relative to the others? Thanks!
My apologies. I thought you were saying the Xono is warm and sweet in general. I did not realize you meant in comparison to the Walker.
Thanks for that Graham Slee recommendation. That stuff looks really nice! I read all sorts of informative rambligs on their web site. I hadn't considered Graham Slee before, but the Reflex and Elevator are definitely on my list of potential choices now. I could probably start with just the Reflex now and continue to use my MM cartridge for a while. That way I could spread out the expenditures over time and add the Elevator and an MC cartridge later when my wallet recovers a bit. Perhaps that is the path to take...

You can pick up a used Reflex for around $750-1k and EXP for ~$750 around here fairly often. Just be patient, one of each pops up every 2-3 weeks or so. There were both available just a few days ago.

They are a great choice that perform far above their price level(especially used).

As I mentioned in my posts above, leave Graham Slee products powered up 24/7 and wait at least 72 hours before giving any serious listening,
I had the Xono for about 5 years then the Thor TA-3000 for a year then the Audfio Resrch PH-7 for two years and now the Allnic H-1500 II. All of these these were good but I think the Allnic beats them all. There is a used one for $3,000 for sale now.

I have a Davinci turntable and arm with the new low output Tranfiguration Orpheous cartridge. One friend told me it is the best system he has ever heard and he has a very high end system and has heard hundreds of systems. The rest of the system now consists of the Einstein pre-amp. Art Audio Vivo tube amplfier and Bosendorfer VR7 speakers.

All of these other components are much more expensive the Allnic, but it is not embarrassed in any way. Makes me wonder what their top model must sound like.
I agree with Curio just sounds RIGHT and GREAT! and I've tried a lot of phono stages at a wide range of prices!