Best set up for 78's ?

I have been coming across some incredible old 78's, early jazz mostly, that I cannot listen to. Years back I had the pleasure of listening to a great 78 set-up. Turntable, pre-amp,equalizer, cartridge and speaker. This guy was a real collector and had a collection of over 10,000 78's, what a rig. I remember that the sound he got from his 78's blew me away, if you can beleive it even topping the sound of our precious LP's. 78's are direct-to-disc recordings (everyone of them) and the realism is palpable. Anyway, I am going to attempt to cobble together a modest 78 front end and was wondering if antone has any suggestions pertaining to turntable, cartridge etc... Thanks.
There is a ton of information in these threads, thank you. I set up a table to digitize 78s. I ended up using a Stanton 500 with 78 stylus. I also am using a Stanton TT. It is heavy, solid and has variable 78 speed adjustments.

There are clips that can be added to the cartridge to bring the signal to mono right at the cart.

The set up works reasonably well.
(Most of my other tables don't have 78 settings and have lightweight arms. fyi)

I picked up an old Admiral 3 speed ceramic cart table at a yardsale today for $10.

Bingo! It works and the old 78s sound wonderful!!!!

They really sound fine on the OHM Walshes.

Comparing what I hear to well remastered CDs and similar music over internet radio, I see little value in investing more unless perhaps one has a ton of 78s to transfer. I only have a couple dozen (so far).

VEry cool! These old recordings really take one back, at least one my age.

Just thought I'd share.....
"the old 78s sound wonderful!!!!"

Congrats Mapman, that's what this whole hobby is all about anyway.