Koetsu vs Dynavector vs Lyra??

I am starting my search to replace my 8 year old Koetsu Rosewood Signature. I was told that a the Onyx is the most logical choice because I do like the Koetsu sound. However, if there is something out there that can give me a bit more punch and 3d imaging, while maintaining that warm Koetsu sound, I would be interested. I have read and heard good things about the Lyra Titan and Dynavector XV-1S but never heard either. This cartridge will mount on a Basis 2800 with Vector 4 Arm.

Any feedback is appreciated.
Been there and done this. Rauliruegas gives advice that I (by example) agree with 100%. We do develope preferences. I've owned the Koetsu Rosewood Signature and moved up from it to the Onyx. I've been a running various Koetsu's since their first releases. I have a special warm spot in my memory for the Rosewood References I've owned, still keeping two in my drawer. After hearing my frst Koetsu Onyx body cartridge in my system, I had to have one. IMHO, It just offers more detail, slam, bass and is more acruate the KRR's. I've tried and have other cartridges, just love the Koetsu sound.

BTW; I have a Lyra Titan Mono and like it a lot. I also have listened to and like the Dynavectors XV-1s a lot, but never quite pulled the trigger on that purchase. The Dynavector XV-1t Supreme sure is getting great comments now.
I have the xv1T and lyra titan i. I have listened to the xv1s a few times. Titan i is more resolving and more energetic performer comparing to the xv1S. Dynavector is very slightly warmer sounding. In my system, the lyra does not sound thin but a lot depends on cart/phono setup and equip. matching.
My 2 cents worth having lived with and enjoyed 2 carts in the Lyra line : the Helikon and the Skala. Both are outstanding in terms of detail retrieval, bottom end slam though you could argue that the house sound is a wee bit on the analytical side. When I traded up it was a choice between the Titan i and the new Transfiguration L Orpheus. The price is almost similar and IMHO you owe it to yourself to audition the amazing new Orpheus L. Its a tad more musical than the Lyras.
As Raul has said, I am not sure you can go wrong with any of theses cartridges. They are all excellent. I used a Rosewood Signature for years and loved it. Tried the Zyx Airy 3 and did'nt really like it that much. Now on a Benz Micro LP and just love the sound, but it still is'nt a Koetsu.
I plan to get another sometime, probably 2nd hand and it will be a Rosewood Signature Platinum or one of the Urushi's. But really, XV1 S, Orpheus, perhaps Ortofon Winfield, I do'nt think you can go wrong with any of them. Nor should you have a problem, considering how much they all cost
If you like the Koetsu sound, I suggest staying with Koetsu. You won't find that kind of sound anywhere else. Except maybe with Grado. The Dynavectors and Lyras tend to the more neutral, more detail resolving.