Need advice on acoustic panels.

I have had a few Agonners over to listen to my system and the only criticism that has been offered was to add an acoustic panel on the right side of my system.

The left side is completely open and has no reflection issues. On the right side, I seem to be vulnerable to some reflection off of an adjacent wall. He explained how to use a mirror to determine placement of the panel, so I believe that I should be able to contain this reflection with the installation of a 2 foot by 4 foot acoustic panel.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good supplier of acoustical panels?
There are quite a few suppliers around the internet.

I have found that Michael Green's corner toons work very well and are unobtrusive and inexpensive, as are the rest of his treatments. I have his basic package and it works quite well. You can use as much of it as you need.
Dear Mattzack2: An acoustic panel has at least two important targets: to fix or lowering acoustic problems and doing that try to lose the less in the frequency range where there are no problems.

With this in mid I think that the Skyline by RPG has the best answer, I'm trying it and are great room treatment devices thorugh its diffusion function.

Regards and enjoy the music,