Hi Albertporter,
I'm about to, it's in for repair or exchange for a new one. Depending on the outcome I consider to sell it.
I'm using the V15 III with 35MR stylus right now and I get more detail AND music... then with any of the MCs I used this far --- including Transfiguration Orpheus, Axia, DV 20X-L, Lyra Dorian, Ortofon Jubilee, Ortofon Kontra Punkt A, etc.
B U T, as I mentioned elsewhere this may well have to do with the ability or in-ability of my ML326S phono-modules, that's hard to tell. But so far my rig sounds better then ever!
If you call a top of the pops phono-pre your own >$5k, YMMV. I also mentioned, that those ML phono-modules, the lesser 320S, (not with Arlon25 PCBs) scored on the very top of some Germany Audio magazines --- otherwise one hears not much about them. Only info is: they are cloned from the ML32 Reference pre-amp's phono-modules.
I currently think, that MMs are much underrated currently, or MCs are over-rated. All of course based on a phono-pre's final ability and as usual a suitable cart/arm match.
I hope this makes some sense,