What about a more user-friendly Schroeder (wobbly, but has strings attached to it for easy pulling... weak pun intended).
Best of all would be ANY tone-arm type, but equipped with an auto-calibration detector ("ACD", proprietary technology, developed after 29 yrs of research. Dissatisfied with what was available in the market, etc, etc .....)
The ACD would not only compute the optimum tracking angle for the record being played (diagnosing the cutting angle) it would also check the real-time VTA and gauge the best angle for the cartridge being used.
While we're at it, how about a simple circuit to help us optimise the cartridge-phono interfacing???
Here we are trying to solve the mechanical set-up riddle, and, all the while, the signal going to the phono is lost in the interfacing.
I'm not joking, I'm ranting: e.g. my cartridge manufacturer very helpfully specified a loading between 100-1000ohm!!! Quite. If that ain't precise, what is! Thank you. Over & out.
Best of all would be ANY tone-arm type, but equipped with an auto-calibration detector ("ACD", proprietary technology, developed after 29 yrs of research. Dissatisfied with what was available in the market, etc, etc .....)
The ACD would not only compute the optimum tracking angle for the record being played (diagnosing the cutting angle) it would also check the real-time VTA and gauge the best angle for the cartridge being used.
While we're at it, how about a simple circuit to help us optimise the cartridge-phono interfacing???
Here we are trying to solve the mechanical set-up riddle, and, all the while, the signal going to the phono is lost in the interfacing.
I'm not joking, I'm ranting: e.g. my cartridge manufacturer very helpfully specified a loading between 100-1000ohm!!! Quite. If that ain't precise, what is! Thank you. Over & out.