TT suggestions for a newbie.

Hi All,
I recently inherited a large collection of Rock/Jazz albums from my dad and, in the meantime, came across a large lot of vinyl I bought in the 80s. I completely forgot about them and got really pumped thinking back to those days. Everything seemed to sound so much better then. Maybe it was better or I am just basking in the glow of my memories.

Regardless, I want to purchase a TT. I've scoured the web for info and, needless to say, I am staggered by the amount of data. The more forums and reviews I read the more I am confused. I know I want to by a nice, quiet, entry level model, made of solid parts. But of course, as with all newbies, I am on a budget. I don't have a preamp and the most I want to spend is $700, maybe at most $1000. I'd like have a model that has the capability for the tonearm to lift after a side is done playing, to reduce needle wear and tear. However, this is not a deal killer. I know the Thorens Turntable: TD 295 MkIV has that feature. But a review on here bashed that to bits saying it was a pro-ject with the Thorens name. I also like the Music Hall MMF 5.1. What entry level model is the best bang for the buck? Do I need a preamp? Suggestions can exclude the models I previously mentioned. I'd really appreciate your two cents.
as a correction to previous post:
Second sentence should read- "the Best part is, there are a tone of upgrades or tweeks that are available.

Well back to the kickfest
There is already one heck of a lot of great input written on this topic on A'Gon already. You might benefit in searching the archives here, if you haven't already.
You say that you do not have a preamp. If you tell us what you do have in your system, we can try to fit together what you would need in order to make it all work.

As for auto-return or auto-lift at the end of the record, that was a common feature of many tables, entry level to top-of-the-line, made in the late 1970s through the mid 1980s.

Personally, I think an older or used TT would work fine, along with a bunch of reading on how to set it up. If you eventually need help setting up your TT, a quick post asking for help either on Audiogon or on's Vinyl Asylum may get you help from someone in your neighborhood.
I own a VPI, and have for many years, so I think this says something.

But, for staying within your budget, and finding a Table that has good features, good sound, is reliable, and won't require a tone of expensive upgrades to make you think you're finally there, I have to say the Technics 1210 MKII, or MG5 will be tough to beat.

Years ago, I probably wouldn't have touted such a Table, my thoughts of what was "good" was going in another direction.

With the many features, the reliability, the ease of use, not needing speed controllers, strobe discs, lights, virtually nothing but a Cartridge to add, this Table is tough to beat in this price range. Speed stability with the Technics will be hard to beat at 3 times the price, convenience, no belts to ever change, and the Arm is pretty good as well, with nice features, such as VTA on the fly.

I'd investigate businesses such as KAB, and read about the Technics before settling on any one Table. There are some nice add ons, which many can be easily done by the end user, when money allows. The Cardas Tonearm Wire upgrade I would probably let KAB do, they do this every day, and is a substantial upgrade to an already great Table. Mark
Dual turntables are back on the market. Some having the features you desire and in an around the price. Quest for Sound and I think Audio Advisor carry them. Happy hunting.