Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
Hi Axel,...... sorry, but you are not entirely correct here.
Do not mix static balanced with dynamic balanced.
Even with the spring VTF applied (no matter if 0.75 mN or 5 grams...) the tonearm is still dynamically balanced on this and any other planet with decent gravity.
Everything here is about the dynamic behaviour in movement - looking just at the static mode its looks as if tehre is no difference......... but there is a big one once the spring-mass-system of the cantilever/tonearm gets into action.......
As I do not want to fall back in my prior dogmatic behaviour - which was critizsed for good reason and which has stepped on so many less egomanic toes - I gladly leave the stage for others to shine a light here.
Halcro - am I doing better....?.
D. very well,
no need for lengthy scientific discourse.

How about some info on the world-wide-web?
If there's something, excellent. If not, I guess we ARE being a bit esoteric then.

It gets also back (for me) to the placement of the pivot, to be EXACTLY at record (surface!) level, plus the CW's mass in line with this pivot, in line with the stylus, in line with the whole mass distribution of it all. Oh, yes Sir!

Nothing wrong with this at all, but which 'arm ACTUALLY will have this all sorted (other then Raul's when it's finished...)?

Like the PERFECTLY proportioned human, according to Leonardo da Vinci...
PS: Don't tell me the FRs go this all sorted... and we lost it all over the last 30 years :-)
Hi Axel, its not a lengthly scientific discourse at all.
Its very easy and fast to describe in 3-5 sentences.
As for the bearing-in-horizontal-line-with-stylus-thing......
When in horizontal line?
By correct applied and groove-compliant VTA.......
Or in static state with armpipe horizontal.....
Or with cantilever in a certain angle while tracking......

Most 12" tonearms do indeed have their bearing in line with surface level when the VTA is groove-compliant and the cartridge isn't with very little or very large outer dimensions.

Another nice episode of the endless struggle theory vs practice......
Funny isn't it?

actually one good argument for an SME 12", since it now will not touch the record any longer, if going that low.
I must remember that.
AND as you indicate between the lines ---- the cart has to play ball!!!

Cart too tall? Everything moves too high above the record surface (never mind 1/10mm) of cart suspension / cantilever change(s).

It once again give me a clue about all this mysterious synergy business.
For that price range and to achieve the performance levels expected, everything must be in sync and tuned in exactly, which requires considerable expertise.

Otherwise buying an expensive tonearm must surely be a waste. You have to be seriously dedicated to accomplish this I believe. Otherwise, I would think you may as well save your money, unless just looking at a really nice tonearm alone turns you on.