Dear Axel/Perrew: IMHO always better alternatives ( no only different but better ones in quality performance. ) must be welcome in our audio world.
We customers/audiophile deserve better quality performance level ( even if we don't ask for it. ) audio items.
Better audio items means ( between other things ) better quality sound/music reproduction that we can enjoy it through our audio systems.
Better new audio products means too that we can have not only one " better " product but several " better " alternatives due to a " better " competition designs.
Better means that we are growing-up/walking through a better audio experiences and all these is just exciting for say the least.
egards and enjoy the music,
We customers/audiophile deserve better quality performance level ( even if we don't ask for it. ) audio items.
Better audio items means ( between other things ) better quality sound/music reproduction that we can enjoy it through our audio systems.
Better new audio products means too that we can have not only one " better " product but several " better " alternatives due to a " better " competition designs.
Better means that we are growing-up/walking through a better audio experiences and all these is just exciting for say the least.
egards and enjoy the music,