Why is the price of new tonearms so high

Im wondering why the price of new tonearms are so high, around $12k to $15k when older very good arms can be bought at half or less?
"So now I also got it completely wrong, hm."

Axel, join the club, I'm sure.

Makes me wish I could dump my table. Too darn complex. 1's and 0's are much easier to explain. Just 1's....and 0's???

But then what would I play all those great sounding records I've collected over the years with? It takes too long to convert them to loss less digital.
...who the f*** is Allis...? (Clue "Living next door to Allis")
Someone you have a great time with, playing 'table-tennis'? You think Dertonarm is into this game?
"jacta alea est!" (The dice have been rolled)
Starting a war with Rome?
Crossed the Rubicon, no going back, hm.
What a crapshoot.
How about going back to tonearms then?