Sony HAPZ1 For prospective buyers and owners

I have been encouraged to share my experiences with the new Sony HAPZ1ES. I hope a few who may be considering purchase of this unit will find this useful. I expect those not interested in purchasing this unit will want to tune this thread out. There is going to be some detail here. I will provide a summary statement with significant conclusions at the beginning of each days record for those not interested in the details.

It would probably be good to start with a few words to provide a frame of reference. I’m not a computer geek. I’m a reasonably bright guy, but a computer to me is just a tool. It’s a hammer that enables driving a nail, that’s it. I learn what I need to know to do what I want to do and that is all.

My interest in the new Sony is that I expected it would facilitate a long standing goal of assembling a computer based system. Further, it accommodates Hi Rez files, and does on the fly conversion of PCM to DSD. It also offers streaming audio, allowing convenient playback of internet radio. It has a 1 TB hard drive, so there is a lot of room for my substantial music collection.

For me, the deciding factor in purchase of this piece was Dan Wright’s enthusiasm for the stock unit and rapid development of a ModWright upgrade package which he says takes the HAPZ1 to reference levels.

Day 1- Initial set up easy, sound quality indeterminate.

I unpacked the unit and gave it about 4 hours to return to room temperature before turning it on. First order of business was to establish the wireless connection with my home network. This was straightforward and took less than 30 minutes to complete. The unit comes with a small amount of software on the hard drive, so this allowed me to begin playing without having to begin download of my existing music library to the internal hard drive. I played through the free music twice, just to give the unit a little burn in time. The free music selection was not my cup of tea, so I could not draw any real conclusions about sound quality.

Day 2- Some frustration with getting set up for download. Interactions with Sony Tech support a mixed bag. Concerned about Sony’s ability to help Mac users. Sound quality with a casual listen promising with under 10 hours burn in.

I spent about a half an hour transferring music from CD to my iMac. Once this was complete, I went to the Sony website and downloaded the free HAP music transfer software to my iMac. Again this was completely straightforward. Upon opening the program, I ran into the first snag. The box that popped up asked me to select the device to which I wanted to connect. There were no devices to select. I began a dialogue with Sony using the chat room accessible from their website. The person who attempted to help me was completely clueless. She referred me to documents which did not address my problem, referred me to documents addressing connection problems with windows machines, and finally, after wasting about 20 minutes of my time admitted she couldn’t help me. She gave me the Sony tech support number.
I called the number (1-800-222-7669) and went through about 3 people before I got to the correct department. This wasn’t as frustrating as it sounds- It just took a few seconds to get to the Sony home audio ES support line. There was about a 10 minute wait until someone took my call. The guy I talked to was pretty sharp. However, his ability to help was hampered by the fact that “ we don’t have a Mac here.” Well, I would suggest that Sony get one!
While we were talking, he indicated that sometimes it takes a few minutes for the music transfer software to find the device. We worked on the problem for a few minutes, and while he was looking something up, I figured out what was wrong. My iMac bluetooth was looking for the wrong network. Once I selected the correct network, the music transfer software found the HAPZ1 immediately. I selected the device, and he advised checking the content settings. A new box shows file extensions that you can select or deselect to be transferred. While flac, wav, mp3, and 12 others appeared as options, ALAC (Apple lossless) did not appear. However, the support guy did a quick Google and found that m4a is the correct file type for ALAC, and that is one of the types listed so I was OK there. I also added /users/my user name/Music/iTunes as a folder to be watched, which probably wasn’t necessary.
Next, I went to the transfer settings. I turned the auto transfer feature off, and selected internal HDD as the destination since I don’t have an external hard drive yet. I activated the manual transfer, which I was doing wirelessly to see how long it would take to transfer the 200 files (tracks). I walked away for a few minutes and when I came back, I found that the transfer had stopped incomplete. I started the manual transfer again and walked away again. When I returned, the same thing had occurred. This may be due to an auto standby feature which apparently shuts the HAPZ1 down after a few minutes with no activity. I turned this off, but I had enough music transferred to give a more serious listen to the unit. I listened to part 1 of the Dunedin Consort recording of the Bach Johannes Passion. This is a wonderful performance, with recording quality that I have found to be somewhat spotty. It is wonderful in the aria and recicitives, but rough in the Chorals. Played back through the HAPZ1, this was pretty close to what I remembered playing through my ModWright Sony 5400. Next I played the Purcell Quartet recordings of Bach’s Mass in G minor BWV235. This is a standard redbook CD, so I was interested to see what the conversion to DSD 2 would sound like. In a word, playback of this music was just absolutely lovely! I suspect this unit, stock, may give my ModWright Sony 5400 a run for its money, but a serious A/B is still several days down the road.
I like your perspective about being reitred and having the time to play with this, Bf. I am about 10 years from that Happy Day myself, and frankly Computer Audio drives me up a wall because of the time investment required. I am trying to downsize, however, and this is why I keep trying.
I think I will stick to my imperfect computer set up for now and give Sony a few years to perfect this and add a bigger HD. Hopefully they don't get bored with the format and ditch it completely, as they have in SACD, Beta VHS, Mini Disc, ...
A short follow up on last nights listening session. Tonight I gave a quick 2nd listen to the Shostakovich 10 with both the HAPZ1 and the MW 5400. The fairly consistent preference I have had for reproduction of strings via the MW 5400 is primarily due to the presence of a very small amount of grain in the HAPZ1 compared to the MW 5400. I first noted that in my first comparison session above, where I much preferred the MW 5400 on the Brahms cello sonatas. I also heard fairly consistently better depth in the image tonight through the HAPZ1. I had had some clues on this earlier, but I've now been through the Shostakovich 10 enough times it was pretty easy to pick out tonight.

After another listen to the Shostakovich 10 with both sources, I rotated in the Magnapan 3.7Rs. This did not fundamentally change my take on the two sources, but this was already hard to call with the more revealing Coincident Triumph Extremes. I'm done listening for tonight, since I must shortly again suffer through another Browns draft.

Tomorrow I hope to visit music from the 1st and 2nd listening sessions through the Maggies.
First of all, I liked the trade down with Buffalo to pick up the CB. This guy paired with Joe Hayden (keep wanting to type Haydn) is going to look pretty good. On Manziel, it is pretty tough for a 5'11" QB to see the field. I am dubious about this pick. There is a reason he slid to 22. What I'm hearing is that the Browns wanted the WR the Saints got.
Hoyer looked pretty good for 3 games last year until he tore his ACL. I might have preferred the Browns pass on QB until next year.
Richard, normally, I am not an early adapter to new stuff like the HAPZ1. Your plan to wait is a reasonable one. For me, this was a bit of a retirement present to myself. There were some hooks that got me. The DSD engine was huge. The value proposition, what you get for 2K, is just insane. Some have said the HAPZ1 is a loss leader for Sony. Dan Wright's endorsement of the sound quality of the stock unit, and his enthusiasm for developing a mod, was the final straw. As good as the stock unit is, for him to say that his mod takes the HAPZ1 to reference quality, was something I just could not say no to. For me, the sound quality itself is sufficient to warrant this purchase.

As for retirement, I recommend it highly. I loved my job, loved the people I worked with, and the money was great. I expected to work another 2-3 years, but I got an offer for a voluntary exit plan that was too good to ignore. That extra time is worth a lot. My wife and I will relocate to eastern TN so that I can hike in the smokies on a daily basis. My passion for hiking is on a par with my passion for music, so this move is a dream of long standing about to come to fruition. This is a happy time for me.