I need a turntable, only have $450 to spare...

More than likely used. I haven't had a turntable since when I was in Germany in 1989 when I had a Denon 37F but I still have my 392 count vinyl collection. I've searched and read plenty of things but they were always with a larger budget. My budget will grow (hopefully!) in the future but I need something to get me along now as I plugged my Teac X-1000r over the weekend and it reminded me how good analog sounds.
My noisemaker goes as follows: CEC 3300R cd player, tube DAC-68, Adcom GFP-750 preamp, 2 Adcom 545 amps biamped to a pair of Wharfedale diamond 9.6 speakers, Dayton interconnects and homebrew power cables. In anticipation to my future TT purchase I got a Bellari VP-130, new but open box. With my current equipment and what I have to spend I'm not expecting a masterpiece BUT I don't want a $99 piece of junk either, just something that I can play for a while and be happy. I understand it may need to have the belt replaced, cartridge. Musically I'm all over the map but mostly Jazz (Monk, Marsalis, Coltrane) and Brit Wave (Joy Division, OMD, Smiths). Where should I start?
I'd agree to SL1200. Had P3 and hated the fact that I couldn't adjust VTA. That limits the choice of a good cartridges. SL1200 isn't noisy at all despite being DD. As to your phono, it might be an interesting 'instrument' to me. How's headphone out in there?
Get a Beogram linear tracking table. One that uses the MMC series cartridges. If you find one that doesn't have a cartridge they are available from Soundsmith.

As a point of reference I'm using a Beogram 4500. You can easily see what the rest of my system looks like. The Beogram doesn't embarrass itself versus my digital front end.
Mtandrews, while not my favorite, there is nothing noisy about the 1200. It is quiet as a tomb and speed stabilty is absolutely accurate. I prefer belt drive too. If I wanted new and $450 was my budget, I wouldn't hesitate to buy it.

+ on the Technics in that price range. You won't be disappointed. You'll be able to resell for 350.00 when/if you decide to move up.
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