I'm a big fan of the Technics line, especially for sub-$1K turntables. Sometimes, if you scour the internet enough, you can find a new SL1200mk2 for $350, but not always. You still need to leave room for a cartridge,
Audio Technica makes a creditable knockoff of the SL1210 mk5, called the
AT-PL120. As you can see, LPGear, an authorized dealer, offers them for $219.
Crutchfield has them for $249; LPGear charges a restocking percentage for most returns; Crutchfield has a 30-day no-hassle return policy (you pay return shipping only).
For the money you save you could get a pretty nice cartridge to go on it, such as an Ortofon 2M Blue (a particularly excellent match with this 'table), a Grado Silver, or with a little stretch, the
AT150MLX, which is unbelievable at $307.
A less-known choice would be LPGear's
AT95SA, which is an AT95E with an after-market Shibata stylus, for $150. This would bring you in at $400 total, and leave money for a better turntable mat ($20 Technics Supermat from
http://www.kabusa.com), and perhaps some replacement feet or a homemade isolation platform (butcher block cutting board supported by squishy feet).
For a review of the AT-PL120 from an audiophile's viewpoint, go to
Tone Publications, download issue 11, and turn to page 9.