VTA adjustment for VPI 10.5i tonearm

Do you get best results with the tonearm level with the platter, or with the rear of the arm higher or lower at the pivot? It's difficult to gauge levelness because of the tapered tonearm design. I'm using a Lyra Titan-i cartridge. Thanks!
Use the top of the headshell area where the cartridge is mounted, not the arm tube.

I made up a 3 X 5 card with extra lines using a T-square. With the stylus on a stationary record I set the card immediately behind the cartridge and site at eye level along the top of the headshell. This tells me if I'm parallel, up or down.
Thank you both for your suggestions. I'll try sighting along the headshell instead of the armtube.
Regardless of how look at it, it's what you hear that matters.

Making your armtube or cartridge perfectly level is pointless. Marakanetz's advice was useful, being specific to your cartridge, but even the ideal visual indicator (SRA measurement) only gives you a rough starting point. Obsessing over it is a waste of time. Ultimately you must use your ears - unless you bought that Titan-i to look at more than to listen to! ;-)