Micro Max 282 vs. Exclusive EA-10

I have mounted an Exclusive EA-10 on my Micro (I added a pic to my system), one of the most expensive Japanese tonearms, maybe a little underrated. The tonearm and the tubes are re-wired by Ikeda silver wire. The EA-10 reminds me very much of the Max 282, most properly it was built by Micro Seiki. Does anybody know if this is true?
Dear Halcro, I mentioned Picasso in the context of your
arm pod implying that it looks as an object of art.
But some of us, uh, the foreigners, are already 'wrestling'
with the English grammar and phrasing so even the so called
'plain' or 'ordinary English' is difficult enough for us.
But your methaphoric 'picture' may be a 'bridge to far' for
the mentioned 'us'. So I assume that you are addressing primary the native English speakers (grin)?
We all profit from the rich experience and knowledge of both Dertonarm and Raul. But we don't like when thy fight.
There is olso this 'natural' inclination to choose sides which make the situation even worst. There is also not much
to learn from 'ád hominem' arguments as Lew put it.
But there is also differece between the two reg. temper.
The German never use(d)s offending expressions but prefer
sarcastic way of expressing himself.
I alas never meet Dertonarm in person but I am somehow convinced that he does not look like a windmill nor as a
red rag. However for a 'Spaniard' this may be different.

Dear Nandric, as far as looks go, I am a mixture of George Glooney and Pierce Brosnan ... ;-) ....
Dear Daniel, Nice for you but I am more interested in the looks of your Swedish beauty.
BTW I am a twin brother of Shon Conery.
No Nandric, the twin brother of Shaun Connery is me. I know it. and it says that Dertonarm has some Mexican blood running in his sensitve vains...

best & fun only - Thuchan
Dear Thuchan: I love you: you made that today I really laughed ( in good shape ) with that " Mexican blood " post.

Regards and enjoy the music,