Garrard 401 or Thorens Td 124 II

With rock and blues music, better Garrard 401 or Thorens TD 124 II?

I have a turntable with drive belt, SOTA Cosmos. I would want a second turntable with wheel mechanism.

I own a TD 124 beige, and I'm very happy with it. I'm using it with an SME 345 and Koetsu Black with excellent results. I rebuilt the motor with new felt and bushings and installed new spindle bearing bushings, silicon nitride ball bearing and thrust plate. The next thing on the list is a chassis refinish, if I'm up to the task.

It replaced a Diva II with the same 345 arm I'm using on the Thorens. They're more fiddly than a modern table, but well worth it.

I've not heard the 401, but I've been told they have more bass slam, but without the refined upper frequencies. I'm sure that's subjective.
i had a 401, now have a modded lenco that was better (not by much) with a OL Silver arm in my system.
Re: Gilbodavid's post... that's my point. bang for buck lenco is up there with the 401s and 124s....once suitably plinthed etc.