Where are you buying new vinyl?

One of life's necessary evils just came good for me - now every man and his dog is into selling vinyl again I found a wonderful use for my AMEX points this week I've been building up for a while - I treated myself to 500 bucks of barnes and noble gift cards and spent the lot on the good olde black stuff!

Based in NYC we still have a few independents left: my favs: Rebel Rebel, Other Music, & J&R Music World (who btw seem to pull out all kinds of oddities that have been collecting dust in their basement for years, a few weeks ago they had a bunch of sealed copies of the front/nixon interviews which actually turned out to be a fascinating listen!)

A recent visit to Boston burned a huge hole in my pocket (paid with my CC of course!) to Newbury Comics - they have a wonderful selection of pretty much everything out right now.

So where is everyone getting their stuff - bricks and mortar stores or online?
sub question - Has anyone bought vinyl from everyones favorite hi-fi store: best buy (!) - and did the experience affect you psychologically in some way?
A one-hour train ride from NYC, Princeton Record Exchange has an extensive selection of used rock & jazz LPs at good prices relative to metropolis.
In the Twin Cities, I get most of my stuff at Cheapo Records.

When in Denver, I always stop at the Black and Read in Arvada. Wax Trax has yielded some awesome stuff too.

Tucson has a great store, PDQ

When my band played a show in Chicago a couple of years ago, I went into Permanent Records. Not a big shop but they had a lot of cool stuff.
Great store in DFW (Grand Prarie, TX) called Forever Young Records. Amazing. Store has square footage of a Wal Mart Supermarket. Over 250,000 pieces of vinyl. They even have a "collecors coffin' which is a small enclosed glass area with all highly collectible and audiophile (1/2 speed masters) vinyl. Over 1,000 MFSL copies of vinyl in one small area! They are a bit pricey though. Great stuff from all genres and time periods.

Another good one is the Arkansas CD Record Exchange in Little Rock, Arkansas. The store may be small, but they also have over 100,000 pieces of vinyl there. Great jazz collection.

In Oklahoma City and Norman, OK we have Guestroom Records, with mostly new rock and nwe and used indie rock.

In Tulsa, OK we have Under the Mooch, a indie rock new and used store. This store is small and the stock is limited, but it has the best store name!
Wow, there is something worth visiting Dallas for now.

Time to fire up the hot rod and head up I-45, for the 2 1/2 hour ride from Houston.
OK, so re 2nd hand vinyl, when was the last time you had one of those weird experiences when you go into a store you've not been to before and find a bunch of stuff you've been looking for for years? I had such an experience in Maine recently - a little vinyl only store called Enterprise records in portland. Amongst other things I picked up the legendary "metal machine music" by lou reed (it's unlistenable noise but thats not the point) just too see it there as I fingered through the "velvet underground etc." section - to find it, oh my what a rush. To be honest its been a while. I know you can find anything you want online now (and I probably buy more online now than anywhere else particularly gemm.com) but that feeling of finding something in the flesh is just priceless.
