Where are you buying new vinyl?

One of life's necessary evils just came good for me - now every man and his dog is into selling vinyl again I found a wonderful use for my AMEX points this week I've been building up for a while - I treated myself to 500 bucks of barnes and noble gift cards and spent the lot on the good olde black stuff!

Based in NYC we still have a few independents left: my favs: Rebel Rebel, Other Music, & J&R Music World (who btw seem to pull out all kinds of oddities that have been collecting dust in their basement for years, a few weeks ago they had a bunch of sealed copies of the front/nixon interviews which actually turned out to be a fascinating listen!)

A recent visit to Boston burned a huge hole in my pocket (paid with my CC of course!) to Newbury Comics - they have a wonderful selection of pretty much everything out right now.

So where is everyone getting their stuff - bricks and mortar stores or online?
sub question - Has anyone bought vinyl from everyones favorite hi-fi store: best buy (!) - and did the experience affect you psychologically in some way?
Another highest recommendation possible for Elusive Disc.
Service has been unfailingly perfect for the past seven years, with individual help provided in any of the situations that I have had.
Decatur Street New Orleans.Years back I found an entire building full of Lp's.They were closed for the day and I had to catch an early flight out.I was never able to get back that way and that was pre Katrina so I dont know if it still stands.
Amoeba Music in Hollywood here in LA area has tons of records in all genres. They have wide selection of Jazz as well as electronic music. When I bought my classic jazz (miles davis, sonny rollins, coltrane and the likes)original pressings they were $15-25 a pop back in 2006. When I went last year same records were marked like $40-$50. Now that I see many reissues coming out ( acoustic sounds and musicdirect) at around $10- $15, I wonder if I should have bought mine at premium prices. I also buy from acousticsounds and music direct. Amoeba is great. Once you go there drooling stops only when you go at the check out counter and slapped with few hundred dollars worth of a tab. Ouch! every single time.

There is metamusic records in Santa cruz that I order electronic music from. There is Norwalk Records here in Norwalk,CA, Which specializes in hiphop and especially in DJ mixes ( not for this crowd)
I only use cash and paypal no credit card. I feel if I use credit card I'd make much bigger 'hole' in my pocket>:
My first choice is listed by author which is Other Music, than Gemm.com, ebay...