Which new VPI Turntable?

With $2500 to spend on one of the new model VPI turntables the decision comes down to which one. Both the Classic and the Scout 2 Signature retail for $2500. The Classic seems to have a more massive plinth and a 10" arm whereas the Scout 2 Sig has the new tapered 9" arm and Valhalla wiring. Both have a new aluminum platter, but I'm not sure if it is same one. I have decided it will be a VPI because I want my local dealer's support. Has anybody heard both of these? Any suggestions...
I'm confused on the aluminum/SS arm? Mine came with the aluminum arm standard, and when I asked VPI about sub-ing the SS arm they said that was only needed, or recommended for heavier cartridges, and I should stick with the aluminum arm. But now I read that the new ones come with the SS arm??

BTW - once again I repeat, in the last year I owned an Aries I/10.5/original heavy platter, and a Scoutmaster Signature (both got the excellent Gingko platforms which helped) and neither could match the Classic in any way. The only reason I got the Classic was I decided to try something different from my Clearaudio Performance (great DECK!!) amd was very disappointed in both the Aries and the Scoutmaster in comparison. After all of the great reviews I bought the Classic (skeptically after my experience with the other VPI's) and I was shocked, it's a great, great table. I am an equipment junkie, always looking to trade out, but the Classic is going to be here for quit a long time.
I got the Classic with its standard arm. My local dealer told me that they can get the Valhalla wire and change it quite easily. However, if you want VTA on the fly, it is not an easy addon once you have the turntable as you will need a whole new assembly. So if you consider it, it is better to order turntable with one right from the beginning.
SDS also is another matter. If you live in the US then it is not a big deal but SDS only works with 110v motor. Since I have a 220v version, if I want to add SDS later, I also will have to change motor to 110v version beside adding the SDS.
if you have a good power conditioner I don't think the SDS makes a big difference. Since you are 220, I am guessing Europe? I tried a million power conditioners because the grid near me (suburban Houston) was underbuilt, and not good. I found the APC S15 (not sure what is comparable for you) to be by far the best at keeping the current constant. I sold my SDS after I bought the APC.

Good luck, enjoy, I love mine.
$900 and you can add the VTA hat.Spoke to one guy (not main Guru Bes Nivera) at Music Direct and he say's Classic is all that Pearson review said and more.It is weird that they came out with a Scout 2 and now this.Supposed to blow doors on any Scout up to and including the Super or Aries though that I am sure I would want to hear for myself.I am sure that this was in works for a while but having a superior $2500 product that equals better decks make sense now in down economy but it is strange that there is mash of decks out at near price points.

Was also surprised VPI no longer has Super Platter the former $1200 upgrade.That would make sense (and Harry is a good marketer).Also they say it get's less improvement from SDS because of it's design (some decks use things better.One tack as VPI told me if I had a TNT to get flywheel but because I had Aries it was not needed and may degrade sound).Looks like a winner.Thinking of unloading my $5500 Aries 1/12.5 and getting one with a and extra tube and spending on a better stereo and mono cart and maybe getting used supper platter and eventually VTA riser my damn self.I'll save space and get and equal deck with some upgrade path but one that I agree with above the Classic may knock one or two decks out of there line.
Macdadtexas, I have a couple of questions regarding power conditioner. Beside my amplifier, everything is plugged into Nordost Quantum QX4/Shunyata Hydra 8 II. HOwever, these are more of power filter rather than UPS type power conditioner like APC S15.The SDS, is it more of a filter/conditioner or more of a voltage regulator/regenerator like PS Audio Powerplant or more of a UPS?