Analog maintenance

I know there are a few posts on this one, but I had a specific question. Here's my ritual:

* clean my LPs using a VPI 16.5;
* periodically wipe the surfaces of the TNT and 16.5
* platters, as well as the 16.5's vacuum tube with three
* dedicated sponges moistened with distilled water;
* use Extreme Phono's Solid Stylus Cleaner on my cartridge before each listening session;
* use LAST stylus cleaner between LP sides

I do not do anything re: LP static or cartridge demag. Should I? If yes, any suggestions?

I second the Magic Eraser. Much better results than I used to get with the Last liquid-type cleaners. I follow it with the Onzo gel to remove any lost fibers from the ME as Doug Deacon recommends. I usually check the cleanliness with a 10X loupe and the stylus and cantilever look like the day I bought the cartridge. I follow that with a zap from the Milty3 anti-static gun in the dry NE winters. I now only use my VPI 16.5 once and store the clean LP in a rice-paper sleeve.
Thanks. I do place all LPs after they are cleaned on the VPI 16.5 in a brand new rice paper sleeve - I bought a bunch. If the stock sleeve is just a sleeve of paper, I disgard it.

The dust appears on hte LP surface (and therefore the stylus) after I play the LP - it must be from the area of the basement in which I listen. If I merely place the LP in a rice sleeve after cleaning with the VPI 16.5, it never energes dusty.

Plenty to think about re: the gel cleaner I am using. I plan to explore this and the Walker Talisman (if only I could swing the Walker Procesnium :-)


I used to have a dusty room, and I solved it by getting a Honeywell air cleaner, which I run whenever no one is in the listening room. Like this:

It works wonders to get dust out of your room and away from your LPs, and I got the idea here in another thread. Cheers,