Trying to sharpen the vocals...EQ related question


Looking for some clarity on the following:

-Current Setup-
Technics 1200mk2
Sonus Blue Gold Cartridge/Needle
Yaqin MS-12B MM Tube Amp (Stock tubes)
Marantz SR-8000 Receiver
Bose Acoustimass 6 Series III SS Speakers

Really enjoying listening to vinyl, this setup produces great sound for the money. Highs and lows are crisp and clear, but the vocals often seem somewhat muted or flat. They lack the same crispness and clarity.

If I wanted to try to pull the vocals out a bit more, would running a 10-band graphic equalizer between the pre-amp and the receiver enable me to do this? Or does the pre-amps' hard-coded equalization curve already adjust the signal such that the additional eq would be redundant and ineffective?

Thanks for your help.
That's a satellite system with separate bass module, right?

Often high bass levels tend to obscure mid-range detail, which is where most vocals occur.

If applicable, try lowering bass levels by moving bass module out from walls and away from any corner and see what that does. If it helps, then you might tweak location further to obtain the best possible balance between low end weight and midrange detail.
Shadorne, I cycled through the settings, seems like 5ch Stereo produced the nicest sound - still presents the same issue though, but perhaps just a little less obvious.

Chayro, will take a look at the Denon cart. Sounds like I will have to dig around for some NOS. Thanks for the suggestion.

Mapman, you are correct, separate bass module. Will try re-locating and see what that does.

In general, just for my own knowledge, in terms of the original question around adding an in-line EQ, does that seem like a solution that would make a material impact on sound quality, specifically mid-range?
I don't think you necessarily need a Denon, but, as I recall, the Sonus was a very high-compliance cart, which was not a good match for that type of arm. Nowdays there's a million nice high output MCs like the Sumiko Blue Point. Denon 103s are still being made, BTW. Check out
You are correct. The Technics arm is of moderate mass. The Sonus is a very high-compliance cart, probably not the best match. I ran a quick calculation (via and it looks like the resonant frequency is roughly 5.23Hz - which could produce some low-level distortion. Looks like I should stick to a moderate to low compliance cart.
10-band eq will be effective. Just bring the frequency between 250Hz and 3000Hz up about 3db or whatever amount that suit your taste.