Trying to sharpen the vocals...EQ related question


Looking for some clarity on the following:

-Current Setup-
Technics 1200mk2
Sonus Blue Gold Cartridge/Needle
Yaqin MS-12B MM Tube Amp (Stock tubes)
Marantz SR-8000 Receiver
Bose Acoustimass 6 Series III SS Speakers

Really enjoying listening to vinyl, this setup produces great sound for the money. Highs and lows are crisp and clear, but the vocals often seem somewhat muted or flat. They lack the same crispness and clarity.

If I wanted to try to pull the vocals out a bit more, would running a 10-band graphic equalizer between the pre-amp and the receiver enable me to do this? Or does the pre-amps' hard-coded equalization curve already adjust the signal such that the additional eq would be redundant and ineffective?

Thanks for your help.
10-band eq will be effective. Just bring the frequency between 250Hz and 3000Hz up about 3db or whatever amount that suit your taste.
I think an EQ would only add to the problem(s) you are having.Maybe try some different speakers.I think that would be more beneficial to getting the sound you want.Of course this is just my opinion.The ultimate answer is what you hear and like.
The 2 1/2" cubes just can't produce mids.You might be able to
force some out of them with an EQ,but at a loss of over driving the little drivers.The mids are most likely trapped in the woofer box.They contain a 5 1/4" woofer,a good size for mids.Bose won't give any spec's,and its my understanding that they sue reviewers for publishing the spec's of tested Bose systems,watts,frequency response,etc.
It's funny - I was checking out needledoctor and, if you click on the technics tables, they also recommend the Denon 103 for it, among others.
I saw some good reviews on the Denon DL-301 MKII. Any experience with that cart on the Technics arm?

Hifitime, I guess the decision to go with the cubes was based in-part on a spatial constraint. I live in a small apartment and the cubes produce a decent surround sound (they double as tv/dvd/xbox/blu-ray audio) and are practically invisible. Any speakers/sub combo that you have used that have a similar size profile but produce a more balanced sound?

Thanks again all for the comments, most helpful.