Best Arm for Raven One?

I am thinking about getting a Raven One TT. Would like to hear from owners. What arms do you like for this table?
The Phantom seems to be the top pick. I was thinking about the Phantom or the Dynavector.
Hi Tom,
The Phantom is a match made in Heaven for this table and just lovely to work with as fine adjustments go.
Also once the Phantom is set up it stays that way until you make changes.
The Raven and Phantom are pretty good, both solid and consistant performers.

Also as Toffeng points out above the Tri-planer including the Ortofons are no slouches on these record players either.

I have a used Tri-planer and ZYX Atmos waiting to go on a Garrard 301 and a Phantom Dynavector XV1s on a Raven one.