Best Arm for Raven One?

I am thinking about getting a Raven One TT. Would like to hear from owners. What arms do you like for this table?
Hi Lewm,

Thanks for clearing that up for me. I just go back and forth as to weather I would prefer a Graham Phantom 2, a Dynavector, or a Tri-Planer on my Raven One table.


I really enjoyed our talk at the meet and greet at RMAF. The Raven One arrived yesterday.
FWIW I have the 507Mk2 and compared it against various arms on my Micro-Seiki RX5000 or SX 8000 ,including Triplanar,SME V,Grandezza,FR, Ikeda, Moerch to name but a few and the Dynavector has stayed the course along with the Grandezza. It seems to work well with most carts and it is extremely versatile and easy to set up. With my ZYX UNIverse the 507 brings out all the airy characteristics of the cartridge and with my Allnic Verity Z it brings out the weight and depth. In a head to head it had more "substance" and open sounding than the Triplanar,which sounded a bit dry by comparison.

As always, the caveat is system synergy, but for me this arm never fails to deliver. Low capacitance cables work better than the stock very nice looking dynavector cable using either the Pathos inthegroove phono or Aesthetix IO Sig and various head amps

Is there a difference between the Phantom and the Phantom II on this turntable ? the phantom can be had for used$2500 in the used market vs $5000 for the Phantom II.

thanks. Noli there a difference between the Phantom and the Phantom II on this turntable ?

Well, between Phantom and Phantom II is a difference.
How much you can hear from it on that turntable I don' t know.