Hi Guys;

Can anyone enlighten me on the differences between these two tonearms. I have both and am thinking about putting the IV on an oracle premier just to match the colour. I was told that the differences are no TOO big.

Please let me know your thoughts.

The bearings are a little better in the V:

"Many of the component parts of the Series IV are similar, if sometimes less rarefied, to those in the V. For example, bearings of ABEC-3 tolerance are used instead of ABEC-7."

This link has a pretty detailed difference list:
Thanks for the link Mofimadness.

Rccc, could you give your impression of the subtle sonic differences?
OK, so I started reading the link Mofimadness supplied, and the IV uses copper wire, instead of the silver wire found in the V. If I wanted to upgrade wire, what are my options and how difficult is it?
I've just had my V rewired with Audionote Kondo from the VDH silver that SME supplied. Definite upgrade for me but there are other alternatives. I know the US supplied arms are wired with copper, can't remember the name of the cable.
