Tips for cleaning Zyx airy 3

I recently took my Zyx airy 3 to a friend, who looked at it under a microscope. To my horror, the diamond was covered in a ball of dirt and could not even be seen. This is despite cleaning the cartridge with zerodust and a brush every day. All my records have been cleaned by an Okki Nokki and I take great care to remove any dust before playing.
The stylus has now been cleaned and is back to normal and I have ordered a stiffer brush to clean it with.
Has anybody else had problems keeping this cartridge clean?.
I have an airy 3 that has never accumulated dust. I use zero dust with excellent results. I have yet to use the ME trick, probably will some day.
Fro, I too use a ZYX Airy 3X Use the Mr Clean Magic Eraser, and problem solved. If your digging quite a bit of dirt from your records, this is telling me your Okki Nokki ain't cutting it. Either that, or you're using inadequate cleaners, and rinses. search the archives here about Mr Clean. You'll learn a lot more1 Mark
Do the search on the Mr clean Magic Eraser, once you understand that its a bit like plastic "steel wool" its hard to figure what else would work as well.

Been using ME for over 3 years on ZYX universe.

Have not used the Zero dust for months.

"Lonestarsouth is wrong btw. Nobody needs to accept a dirty stylus and it's easy to keep your stylus clean with the Magic Eraser per swampwalker's post."

Excuse me!!
Thanks for your tips!. I have invested in a stiff brush and some magic eraser today, so hopefuly this will cure the problem. The really annoying thing is that the Denon DL110 that I use on another deck is as clean as a whistle and I use this cart. on any old record and never brush or clean it.