Upgrade modded P25 to P7 or uprade cartridge

I'm looking down the road and wondering where I might get the best bang-for-buck upgrade on my vinyl rig.

My current source is a Rega P25 with Groovetracer subplatter, Michell Tecnoweight, Funk Firm Achromat, and VTAF. I'm dangling a Dynavector 10x5.

Given the modifications I've installed on my P25, I'm wondering how much I might benefit from moving up the line to a P7. Obviously, the P7 has an upgraded platter, improved tonearm, and also the TT-PSU. If I went this route, I would keep my 10x5.

Another option is to keep my P25 and upgrade my cartridge by moving up the Dynavector line to, say, a DV-20x.

I guess it all depends on how close my P25 modifications bring my deck to the P7.

Any input or advice is appreciated.

(Associated equipment: SAC Gamma phono pre (MM/MC), Earmax headphone amp, Sennheiser HD-600s.)
I have considered a speed controller, Jfreck, but for the price, I'm not too far off from an upgrade to a pre-owned P7, which comes with a TT-PSU.
What I would do, is upgrade to the P7 and start with the Dyna cart you already have, it is a good one.

Then, when funds allow, feel free to upgrade your cart
Dear Johnbender: There are options on your budget, some of this options for second hand vintage " great " cartridges like these:

http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?anlgcart&1258377072&/Technics-EPC-205Cmk3 , yes I know that for this you need a removable headshell tonearm design. This kind of tonearm can give you advantages of what you have right now and the cartridge is something to own.

http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?anlgcart&1259282100&/Shure-V-15-Type-3 this one is a good option due that comes with the Jico SAS stylus replacement.

http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?anlgcart&1260017308&/B-O-mmc-20cl good cartridge if you can get for a lower price than what the seller ask.


the Reson Reca is very good option too, read here what a Rega owner say about ( Dr_joe ):

this one is extraordinary ( MMC2 ):

As you can see there are several good options.

Regards and enjoy the music,
I would recommend that you upgrade to the P5 instead of the P7 - it will cost you half as much, and you will get what most Rega dealers will tell you is alot more value for the money. It is a significant upgrade from the P2, I have had both in my system.
Wow! Thanks for these links, Raul.

Learsfool: Thanks for the recommendation. But I have a P25, not a P2. Do you think a stock P5 would outperform it?