The cause of this problem is most likely very simple. Is the woofer pumping worse at the beginning of the record and then lessens as the tonearm moves toward the center of the LP. If so, the outer edge of the LP is probably not coupling with your platter. You may even be able to see light between the outer edge of the record and the platter when viewed on-plane from the front.
If you are using a clamp, try lessening the downward clamping pressure to see if that helps. If it is a problem with LP/Platter coupling, the best solution is a peripheral ring (like the one sold by TTweights and others), but some say that these rings deaden the sound as well. I don't have one so I don't personally know about that.
If the pumping occurs across the entire LP, then Cpk likely has indentified the cause(s) above.
Good luck.