Advice needed on sub $1000 setup

I want to replace my old turntable, cartridge, and preamp with something decent - and stay under $1k. Used, new, doesn't matter. I've been looking at used Rega P3's, almost new MH MMF-5.1's, and new P2's, but open to other suggestions. I haven't really looked at pre-amps yet, but there appear to be plenty of choices in the $100-$250 range. Again, total budget for everything is sub $1k. Suggestions?

The Dynavector 10X is a perfect match for Rega tables and arm. It has the boogie factor that synergizes with the Rega kit. You see a lot of 10X's on Rega arms that belong to happy people. The Denon 103 isn't the best match for the Rega arm compliance. It will sound OK, but won't sing. Don't know about the DL160 on a Rega arm. Benz could be good too but I don't know them. Rega cartridges are not good IMO, based on the one I heard. Good list otherwise, but I'd add the 10X to the list. And check compliance of each cartridge against the arm for ideal resonance. You should be able to get a 10X for close to your $300, and certainly worth adding another $50 for. One more thing, I don't know the amp you selected, but if you get a MC cartridge, even a high output one, you better have impedance load adjustments so you can get it down to 1K or below depending on the cartridge. If you don't have MC loading adjustments, I'd get a MM cartridge instead. Your next step, getting a cartridge to match the arm and phonostage, will make or break this rig.
I purchased a used (almost new, really) Music Hall 7. It's great. I've had so much fun listening to my vinyl again. The thing sounds great (but if you get one, take the felt mat off, and just put the record right on the acrylic platter, and tighten down the screw down clamp just finger tight). You can adjust the VTA (although it's somewhat of a pain in the rear). It came with a pretty decent Goldring high output (2.5 mV) moving coil.
Bottom line, I paid $600 (used), and knowing what I do after listening to it for about a couple of months, I think I got a heck of a deal. If you can find a used one here for sale, my recommendation is to just go for it. I really don't think you'd be dissapointed.
Bmckenney - looks like you advice on the DL103 was spot on - I found the cartridge data base - which has a cartridge resonance calculator. The 103 would require significant weight added to the arm to fall in the ideal range (which correlates nicely with reports I read of people placing a coin on the headshell of a RB300 to make the 103 come to life. no thanks).

Both the DL160 and the 10x fall in the idea range. Unfortunately the best price I've found for the 10x is $430 - a bit high for me at the moment. I'm tempted to try the DL160, but still hunting for a deal on the 10x....
Mark, dont be put off by the coin scenario. My ZYX has a weight added specifically for these reasons. Though it does look better than a coin sitting atop the head (LOL that looks funny I know), but the overall purpose is the same. I'm sorry to say...the 10X performs no where near the level of the 304. Its a good cartridge dont get me wrong...but in a different league. And I'm not adding the respectful IMHO here either. This is a fact. (imho..) :)~
Thanks Vandermeulen. I assume you mean the Denon DL304? If so, at $700 it is even more out of my range (unless I find a good used deal).

Unless I can find a good used deal, it is looking more like a new DL-160 will be the starting point. A good review (and lots of good comments) on the DL-160 -