low output mc: noise free listening possible?

I'm considering buying a low output mc cartidge of 0.2 millivolt. This faint signal needs a high gain of 60 dB or even more.

Which phono-amplifiers are capable of delivering a noise free signal. Or do I have to accept a certain level of phono-noise?
It is a myth that balanced outperforms SE in a home environment. While I have no doubt you have very low noise, you can do just as well with a well designed single ended unit.
I'm now listening to the following setup:

cartridge: Allaerts MC2 Finish
phono: Blue Amp model 42
amplifier: Marlk Levionson 383
speakers: Sonus Faber Amati

This setup generates quit a lot of noise. At a fair, but firm listening level the system noise is much larger than vinyl noise.
Is it the phono or the sytem that generates this noise?
System noise = ???


Please describe for a better answer.
i use two relatively low output cartridges, a Lyra Olympos with .17mv output and a Ortofon MC A90 with .24mv output. i have owned a few others in that output range.

these cartridges do require a good deal of gain; which typically adds noise unless serious design and build quality are applied (read $$$$'s).

10-15 years ago low noise phono stages that could handle a .2mv cartridge with no problem were relatively scarce and one was forced to accept a bit of noise and veiling to use the best Moving Coil cartridges. the laws of physics do mean that the cartridges which reveal the most information from the grooves tend to have low outputs.

nowadays there are quite a few good choices; although the best are quite expensive.

i use 3 different low noise phono stages; the Allnic H3000, which has 2 high gain/low noise inputs and 2 MM low gain inputs. i also have a Battery powered darTZeel NHB-18NS preamp with 2 internal phono stages. my experience is that neither of these phono stages has any apparent added noise during playback. even when turning the volume up to full with the stylus not on the Lp there is typically almost no noise at all. they are not inexpensive.

as far as a low noise phono stage at a reasonable price; Allnic's lowest price phono stage, the H1200 (around $1500) is pretty darn good and relatively low noise. at that price it would be hard to beat. i have had one in my room and compared it directly to the H3000 and while it was not as good it was close enough that i would highly recommend it.
Noise free LOMC phono source is possible if you divide the phono gain between transformer and phono stage.
I do have the worst case scenario in my set-up: very low output MC with tubed phono stage and high sensitivity (really high - aside from horns) speakers.
I am running a 0.15 mV cartridge on one end and a 99.5 dB sensitivity speaker on the other. Phono amplification with 22 dB gain step-up transformer feeding a 54 dB phono (tubed...) stage.
Very quiet.
The very same phono stage can be "pimped" to 70 dB alone. Using this generates more noise with less gain.
The SUT does a great job.