which is better ? MC phono stage or MM+step-up ?

anyone care to share what would yield to a better sound or how they are different ?
Some people i know prefer a stand alone MC phono stage. While others swear by the MM phono stage plus adding a step up tranny for an mc cart.
How are they different and in what way is one better than the other sonically ?
The answer all depends on the cartridge, phono stage and step-up in question. There is no universal answer. Is there some particular combos you're looking at?
My short answer is that some will say that adding another "step" along the way by inserting a setp-up tranny is the wrong approach to good sound, preferring to keep the signal un-adulaterated by not running such a low level signal through miles of secondary wiring...

Iv'e run both ways, and really, each was very satisfying and enjoyable if set up right. Currently I use a MM cart with a MM phono..I dont know if that says something or not??

some say, this is just heresay, that adding a step up to an mm phono stage, adds some flavour to the sound, while other say it adds more gain ?
Personal taste. If you can afford a dedicated phono pre, thats the way to go. If you are satisfied with MM cartridge and MM phono pre, and want to add a MC only, then the cheapest route (vs. a good phono pre with plenty adjustments)is a step up.
I use a very good separate phono stage [Blue Circle 707] AND a step up transformer [Bob's Devices]. Why? Because I like the way it sounds. See the review of Bob's in TEN AUDIO. I am a Blue Circle dealer but not connected with Bob's. This is a totally subjective area, there is no "best"; it is what YOU like.