The Raven-AC-1 that i have been using over the last few years is an incredibly engaging TT.this is a result of its neutrality and ability to manifest the micro and macrodynamics of the music. it really is a neutral table and chances are you are hearing something that is not optimum.
Try relooking at your cartridge vtf and vta, vtf being a huge factor. Sounds like you may on the high side. Your tonearm may be to low. Try playing with vta.
Try placing record directly on the platter. You may be hearing resonances introduced by a mat. Make sure you compensate for vta if the thixkness of the mat is large.
As dgad mentions, optimize azimuth and anti skate.
Try experimenting with all these parameters. These have major impacts on the sound.
I was lsitening to my system friday and was amazed at how easily the Raven AC allows the music to come through once everything is as optimum as possible. Lightnin hopkins, john lee hooker,sonny/brownie, muddy where right there. The energy they were puttin down was NOT lost by the Raven ac-1.
You will get a lot of suggestions. Start with the basics. Make broad adjustments to understand the ramifications of the range of settings. Then fine tune. I dont think the table is the issue; however you may want to try one motor. Also, make sure you have the new motor controller. Big improvement.
Pardon me if you are seasoned in these matters and you have tried all of this.
The Raven-AC-1 that i have been using over the last few years is an incredibly engaging TT.this is a result of its neutrality and ability to manifest the micro and macrodynamics of the music. it really is a neutral table and chances are you are hearing something that is not optimum.
Try relooking at your cartridge vtf and vta, vtf being a huge factor. Sounds like you may on the high side. Your tonearm may be to low. Try playing with vta.
Try placing record directly on the platter. You may be hearing resonances introduced by a mat. Make sure you compensate for vta if the thixkness of the mat is large.
As dgad mentions, optimize azimuth and anti skate.
Try experimenting with all these parameters. These have major impacts on the sound.
I was lsitening to my system friday and was amazed at how easily the Raven AC allows the music to come through once everything is as optimum as possible. Lightnin hopkins, john lee hooker,sonny/brownie, muddy where right there. The energy they were puttin down was NOT lost by the Raven ac-1.
You will get a lot of suggestions. Start with the basics. Make broad adjustments to understand the ramifications of the range of settings. Then fine tune. I dont think the table is the issue; however you may want to try one motor. Also, make sure you have the new motor controller. Big improvement.
Pardon me if you are seasoned in these matters and you have tried all of this.