Another way to look at this is the following. If the
table did really have the signature you are describing, then you would tend to hear that to a large extent independent of changing some of the other tonearm/cartridge and system parameters. Well you might say that through "system synergy" you might be able to strike the right balance. In this case, if you were correct in the TW signature (which I don't think you are) you would have to get an oppositely colored piece of equipment to compensate for this. I don't think that would be wise.
The table is a lot more neutral than you think.
Based on some of Raul's points, I have been experimenting with platter mat. in fact, no mat at all. Try this and you will be surpirsed. also try lowering your VTF. My guess is you are too high.
I get very dynamic, open sound with detailed and extended bass without any overhang or sluggishness. I can easily get what you're hearing by using a mat, too high VTF and tow low SRA.
Happy experimenting.
table did really have the signature you are describing, then you would tend to hear that to a large extent independent of changing some of the other tonearm/cartridge and system parameters. Well you might say that through "system synergy" you might be able to strike the right balance. In this case, if you were correct in the TW signature (which I don't think you are) you would have to get an oppositely colored piece of equipment to compensate for this. I don't think that would be wise.
The table is a lot more neutral than you think.
Based on some of Raul's points, I have been experimenting with platter mat. in fact, no mat at all. Try this and you will be surpirsed. also try lowering your VTF. My guess is you are too high.
I get very dynamic, open sound with detailed and extended bass without any overhang or sluggishness. I can easily get what you're hearing by using a mat, too high VTF and tow low SRA.
Happy experimenting.