I'm a bit confused here too. First, though, I have to say that I don't think there is any info on how to configure JRiver for V-Link playback on the psaudio site, but I could be wrong.
I'm getting jumpy erratic playback at best... ASIO doens't do anything, I read somewhere that for WinXP you have to use Kernel Streaming and that is how I got the really bad choppy playback. Further, output at 24/96 doesn't seem to do anything, and forcing 48 at least gets noise out of the system. I sometimes in the kernel streaming menu get USB Device and sometimes VLink, so it doesn't always know what it is.
My laptop (D620) doesn't support 24/96 on its sigmatel audio device, with this pulling through USB it looks like it ignores the sigmatel device, so I should be able to do 24/96, no?
Anyhow if anyone knows the JRiver settings for use with the VLink for WinXP I'd appreciate it.
Oh - and to answer poster above my VLink in the instruction guide says "It will allow up to 96 kHz 24 bit sampled files (e.g. Flac files) to be converted to an SPDIF stream, for full high resolution proessing by the following DAC. This will give the best listening experience using the full capability fo the orginial 24 bit and high sample rate. Lower sample rate files, e.g. CD-originated music are simply passed through at their original sample rate" So I'm pretty sure there is no upsampling beyond whatever DSP settings one chooses in JRiver going on.